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Intuitive Reiki Therapy

Reiki pronounced (Ray-Key) (Universal Life Force Enerygy) is a safe, gentle, and deeply relaxing, non intrusive, hands on healing technique. It supports and accelerates the body's own natural ability to heal, helping to alleviate pain and relieve other dis-ease like symptoms while cleansing the body of toxins.

One of the main purposes of Reiki is to create a healthy mind and body that leads to a path of personal growth. Reiki removes energy blockages, supports the immune system, increases vitality, and promotes emotional balance.

This one-hour session uses traditional Usui Reiki hand positions along with intuitive guidance that help to reveal the root of the problem. Reiki charged crystals may also be used if felt necessary for healing. Each session is unique and no two sessions are the same. These sessions are done fully clothed with only shoes being removed on a very comfortable massage table.

Reiki is not a form of organized religion and no religious ceremony is performed. We want to allow the energy to flow through the healer to wherever the body needs it to go. Reiki energy can do no harm. You will get exactly the amount of healing energy your body needs at that moment in time.

Call to make a 1-hour session or prepay for 3 sessions at a discounted rate.